Dr Jamie Dougall Vancouver Chiropractor

Phone: 604 558-1285

Address: #640, 1285 w Broadway, Vancouver


This library has been created for patients, practitioners and those with general inquiries as a free online resource that provides information, ideas and useful links to various health related topics.  It is intended to allow the reader insight into new and existing ideas in complimentary and alternative healthcare, and is not a supplement for medical advice from your primary healthcare provider.  Please read terms and conditions of use.  When necessary and where possible, references to scientific studies have been linked.

It is also worth noting that some of the topics listed do not have strong/any evidence based validity, and are “observational evidence only”.  This obviously means that there have been no scientific studies to validate these claims, however these observations may warrant further study.

Please enjoy reading through this site and please let us know of any questions, comments or concerns, as well as any broken links by clicking here.